Since January 2011 (on leave October 2018 - Spetember 2020) |
Assistant professor at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, University of Warsaw
October 2018 - September 2020 |
Assistant professor at the Department of Biomathematics at the Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences |
19 October 2010
Award of the degree of PhD in biology (with Distinction) in the area of biophysics by the Scientific Council of the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences;
28 September 2010
Defence of PhD thesis ,,Mathematical modelling of the heat shock response and the
involvement of heat shock proteins in cancer development’’, under the supervision of prof. Maciej Żylicz (IIMCB) and prof. Willi Jäger (IWR, University of Heidelberg).
Participation in the Polish-German PhD Programme Graduate College ,,Complex Processes: Modelling, Simulation and Optimization’’; Research project: Mathematical modelling of the impact of heat shock proteins on the neoplastic cell transformations.
Research training at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, University of Warsaw;
18 December 2003
Defence of MSc thesis ,,The TEIRESIAS algorithm- analysis, implementation and
applications’’ under the supervision of prof. Krzysztof Diks;
1996 – 2003
Studies in software and methods of computer science at the Faculty of Mathematics,
Informatics and Mechanics, University of Warsaw;
27 March 2002
Defence of MSc thesis ,,Analysis of Immunotherapy Models in the Context of Cancer
Dynamics’’ under the supervision of prof. Mirosław Lachowicz;
1996 - 2001
Studies in applied mathematics at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, University of Warsaw;
Award of the Rector of the University of Warsaw for achievements in professional work 2023.
The prize for the outstanding scholars in 2014, awarded by the Rector of the University of Warsaw.
Best Female Scholar Award 2014, awarded by the Centre for Applied Mathematics, Gdańsk University of Technology, for the piece of work: Mathematical modelling of the influence of heat shock proteins on cancer invasion of tissue.
Stipend for training through the project: ,,The Modern University - a comprehensive support programme for doctoral students and teaching staff of the University of Warsaw", 2011.
PhD Thesis ,,Mathematical modelling of the heat shock response and the involvement of heat shock proteins in cancer development” awarded with Distinction by the Scientific Council of the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics of the National Academy of Sciences, Warsaw 2010.
Member of the Jury of European Union Contest for Young Scientists in: Leiden -- EUCYS 2022, Salamanca -- EUCYS 2020, 2021, Sofia -- EUCYS 2019, Dublin -- EUCYS 2018, Tallinn -- EUCYS 2017, Brussels -- EUCYS 2016, Milan -- EUCYS 2015, Warsaw -- EUCYS 2014.
European Union Expert (EX2018D335471) for Horizon Europe 2020, Horizon Europe 2021, and Horizon Europe 2022 assessment.
Expert of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023.
Expert of the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) in 2019, 2020, 2021.
Grant of the Excellence Initiative – Research University Initiative: Inverse Problems in Tissue Growth Models, 2023-2024 (PI);
Grant of the National Science Centre (Harmonia): Inverse Problems in Cancer Modelling, 2018 - 2023 (PI);
Grant of the National Science Centre (Opus): iCell: information processing in living organisms. The role of three-dimensional structure and multi-scale properties in controlling the biological processes in a cell, 2015-2018; |
Grant of the National Science Centre (Sonata): Impact of external stress on biosystems: construction and validation of new multiscale mathematical models for prediction and process control 2011 - 2014 (PI);
Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education Grant: Mathematical basis of multi-scale descriptions, 2009 - 2012;
6th UE Programme: Research Training Network: Modeling, Mathematical Methods and Computer Simulation of Tumour Growth and Therapy, 2003 - 2008;